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The Witchters

Red Jasper Tumbled Stones

Regular price $4.44 USD
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Natural Red Jasper Tumbled Stones


Natural Red Jasper 

• Approx. between .06" - 1" in size

•Color, Shape, Size, and Markings will vary.

" Ground yourself with the Red Jasper Gemstone.

Red Jasper is connected to the base chakras which is why it holds such strong protective properties. It helps us to feel grounded in this world and has an uncanny ability to stir up our life force by shaking stagnant energy out from all of our energy points – from the Sacral Chakra to the Heart Chakra. Along with boosting our life force energy, Red Jasper is also known for rousing your kundalini serpent. The kundalini serpent speaks to the energy that sits at the base of our spine. When roused from slumber, this energy can cause spirals up through our body and lead to deep spiritual awakening. 

 *These are STOCK PHOTOS. Because they are natural stones, will vary in size and characteristics.