Smoky Quartz Harvest Sage Wand
4" Harvest Sage Wand with Dried Flowers & Smoky Quartz Crystal **Hand-made by us!
Smudging with white sage is a technique used to begin a spiritual spring cleaning for your soul or your house. Burning sage in your home allows you to remove all the negative energies and experiences from the room. A smudging ceremony completed with white sage is a simple way to relieve the negativity in your soul or your home and replace it with positive intentions and energy.
How Often Should You Smudge?
When moving into a new space.
When there has been a psychic disturbance.
To mark an important positive change.
When it's that time again.
Smudging Prayers:
"Cleanse this space, remove the past I've found my happiness at last. Fill this space with joy and love and send blessings from above."
"Negativity of this sacred space I banish you by the light of my grace. You have no hold or power here I stand and face you with no fear. Be gone forever you will obey from my sacred space you must away."
"God of all, goddess of light, shield and protect me day and night. Positive Feeling alone come near, all other wither and disappear."